Hey I'm Connor Parish

A Biomedical Engineer exploring the potential unlocked by emerging computer tools to improve non-computer based fields.

More On Me

About Me

Born in Palo Alto, CA raised in Buffalo, NY. I love to kitesurf, wakeboard, ski, and rock climb. Download my CV to see what I do the rest of the time.

View CV



August 2017 - Present

Biomedical Engineering

Optaining a BS in Biomedical Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.

University of Virginia
September 2013 - May 2017.

High School

A Jesuit high school located in Buffalo, NY.

Canisius High School


July 2021 - Present


Create pipelines for analyzing Illumina and ONT NGS microbial data for AST prediction and HAI detection.

Day Zero Diagnostics
June 2020 - December 2020

Software Engineer

Use machine learning techniques to quantify the confidence of putative gene-disease associations.

Myriad Genetics
June 2018 - January 2020

Software Engineer

Design computer systems to further the progress towards autonmous marine vessels.

Buffalo Automation
January 2019 - Present

Research Assistant

Use biological and computer techniques to research viral vector based myocardial regeneration gene therapy.

Molecular Bioengineering Lab UVA
May 2017 - Present


A startup aimed at using Natural Language Processing Techniques to identify political bias in news media.


Interested in anything I do?

My Contact Details

  • Personal Email connorparish9@gmail.com
  • School Email cbp5nd@virginia.edu